How Social Media Can Positively Impact Change

In a remarkably brief period of time, social media has changed the way we consume, share, and engage with news. It’s even changed how news is generated and provides a constant stream of news itself. Not only is it the quickest and most convenient way to get accurate, up-to-date information (if you’re going to the right places), but it can be used as a powerful tool to impact positive social change.

Ways Social Media Can Make a Positive Impact Towards Change

A few of the many ways social media can effect positive change include:

  • Connectivity, being part of the conversation and having your voice heard:

Social media platforms, such as Instagram and Twitter, connect you with like-minded individuals across the entire world and through these connections you can be part of the discourse surrounding what actions need to be taken to fix problems at a macro level. Additionally, you’re able to encounter people and perspectives not readily accessible in the real world. Through these connections, you can learn more about a variety of the world’s most pressing issues and what you can do to make a positive impact.

  • Spreading awareness of events and issues that otherwise may have a small following:

As alluded to above, social media platforms give you the opportunity to learn about people and events history class didn’t teach you about or issues in other countries that your local news overlooks. By shining a light on these issues, you, and the like-minded people you’ve connected with, can turn what would have gone unreported into a nationwide, or even worldwide, story as major news outlets become more aware of the situation and a community’s response.

  • Increasing impact through knowledge of world events:

Obviously, through spreading awareness of events and issues they have a larger impact. Think about all the times you’ve first encountered information about an event or issue in the world on social media. If it weren’t for that post you saw, would it have made such an impact on you? Or would you have even known about it? Maybe not.

Ways Social Media Connects Users with Issues to Make an Impact

Social media provides many avenues for people to connect to issues like never before. Not only can users discover posts about such issues and make and share posts themselves, they have the opportunity to follow and engage with organizations, nonprofits, and other groups that exist to tackle these issues on the ground. Most, if not all of these groups have their own social media accounts across numerous platforms. As these organizations increase in following, they can make a more significant impact. Not only can you support and engage with these organizations, but you can do the same with businesses that are committed to social good.

Ways Social Media Keeps Companies Honest

Historically, the only way to hold large companies honest and accountable for their actions was to not purchase their products or use their services. There’s a saying for this – vote with your wallet – but social media has given us a powerful tool to call out these million, if not billion-dollar corporations for their CSR (corporate social responsibility) and ESG (environmental, social, and government) policies and practices. Whether it’s through signing petitions, sharing information about their wrongdoings to increase awareness and impact, telling retailers to stop carrying their products, or encouraging politicians and local government officials to take action, there are plenty of opportunities to use your voice on social media to keep companies honest.

How ImpactWayv's Social Media Platform Supports Positive Change

With the ImpactWayv app, it’s never been easier for people, businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations to connect and make a positive impact. It’s a social media platform designed to enact social change and it operates as an entirely new kind of digital ecosystem. Our Social (Impact) Media Platform enables users to effect, engage in and share social impact on a global scale. Users of ImpactWayv can connect, interact and engage with each other, raise awareness for important causes or “Wayvs” they care about, and invite others to join and follow their impact journey.

Start making the change you want to see in the world! Download the app today!

Benji Bernstein